, , , Adjust
The , , , keys allow one to adjust various parameter states and values.
In normal operation, the
, keys turn AUTO off and adjust the amplifier
signal gain. In any other mode, the
, keys cause one to move through a list
or to adjust a blinking digit. The , keys zoom the bargraph ( in, out)
and in edit mode, select which digit of a numerical value will blink.
Menu Level Functions
Menu functions provide control over parameter values and methods of
making measurements. The menu consists of a number of lists and param-
eter values. Table 7 presents a quick summary of the hierarchy of the
menu functions and parameters. Most settings displayed in the menu and
changes to those settings affect the channel indicated by the display
channel annunciator.
Menu Access and Movement
To access the menu press MENU. The MENU annunciator will light and data
acquisition will stop. Menu labels and parameter values are displayed in the
message display area. The first, second and third leftmost decimal points
within this area indicate a current position at the top, second, third or fourth
level of the menu hierarchy, Figure 4. Table 7 presents the menu functions
and their hierarchy.
Top Level
Second Level
Third Level
Fourth Level
Figure 4 – Decimal Point Indication of Menu Hierarchy Position
In the menu, valid keys are limited to those needed to perform operations to
move through the menu or edit a parameter value. In the menu, it is not
necessary to hit the SHIFT key to invoke the action of the menu keys: MENU,
, , , . The SHIFT key will toggle the SHIFT annunciator,
but with no effect on subsequent pressings of other keys. Once in the menu,
the rules for moving through the menu are as follows:
Press ENTER to move to the next level down or to enter the edit mode if a
editable parameter is being displayed and to accept a parameter value in
its currently displayed state and exit edit mode.
ii. Press ESC to move to the next level up or to escape the menu when at the
top level or to exit edit mode without changing the parameter value being
iii. Press MENU to immediately escape the menu regardless of current level
within the menu.
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