Reviewing System Features 1-21
The system has hardware, software, and mechanical security
features that offer protection against unauthorized access to
your system and data. The following security features are
available with the system:
Password security
The BIOS Setup utility includes a feature that lets you set
up either a user or administrator password, or both.
The user password controls booting of the system and
controls access to the Setup utility and the keyboard. (User
access to the BIOS Setup utility is limited to a subset of all
BIOS Setup parameters when a Supervisor password has
been set.)
The administrator password allows full access to the
system and the BIOS.
The Unattended start security feature, when enabled,
allows the system to boot but locks the keyboard until the
user password is entered. This feature is grayed-out if no
password has been set.
NEC Security
The NEC Security Utility also allows password protection
and lets you disable access to the diskette drive, COM
ports, or printers.
Windows network security features
To learn more about the network security features
available through the Windows operating system, refer to
your Windows documentation or consult your system