Configuring the System 3-61
Replace the system unit cover (see “Replacing the
Cover”). Connect system power cables and external
Power on the system and launch the BIOS Setup utility
before POST to set a new password (see “Setting a
Password”) and re-customize your BIOS settings.
Hard Drive Jumper Settings
Hard drive jumpering varies according to the particular model
in the system and how that model is configured. The
following hard drive models are available for your system
from NEC CSD:
Seagate Maui 2.1-GB
Fujitsu Pico Bird 4.3-GB
Quantum Fireball 6.4-GB
Quantum Fireball 8.4-GB.
Jumper settings are included on a label attached to the top of
the drive. Refer to the label for correct jumper settings for
your system’s configuration.