MSI-9000 CellScale
System • 3750CS User Guide Page 77
Software V1-15 to 1-20
This procedure clears all the calibration parameters and allows a brand new capacity and resolution (count
by or ‘d’) to be entered. This procedure should not be used for routine calibration of a previously calibrated
Cell Scale system.
To Reset the Calibration Constants
This procedure will not work if the scale is already in the CAL SETUP menus. Push the EXIT key to get out of “CAL SETUP”.
1) Turn off the 3750CS power. Expose the Calibration
Port by removing the seal screw on the left side of
the 3750CS with a Phillips Screwdriver.
2) Insert a small non-metallic screwdriver and press
and hold on the switch button in the hole.
3) While holding the cal switch on, turn on the 3750CS.
The display reads “RESETALL” for 2 seconds
followed by “RU SURE”.
4) Push ENTER to reset all registers. The display will
initialize while the registers are cleared.
If you change your mind, pushing EXIT will cancel the Reset All operation.
1) Expose the Calibration Seal Port by removing the
seal screw on the left side of the 3750 Meter Casting
with a Phillips Head Screwdriver. The display reads
2) Insert a small non-metallic screwdriver or the
wooden stem of a “Q-Tip” and press and release the
switch button in the hole, followed immediately by
the ZERO key. The display reads “RESETCAL”.
3) The first item in the Calibrate Setup Menu appears
(STD CAL). Use the UP or DOWN scroll keys to
locate the desired Calibrate operation.
This procedure returns all registers of the 3750CS to defaults. DO NOT initiate this function unless you
are prepared and qualified to perform a complete setup of the 3750CS system. This operation differs
from RESETCAL in that all registers are returned to defaults. Communication will be lost until network
parameters are reentered.
To Completely Reset the 3750CS
This procedure will not work if the 3750CS is already in the Cal Setup Menus. Push the EXIT key to get out of “CAL SETUP”.