MSI-9000 CellScale
System • 3750CS User Guide Page 33
Software V1-15 to 1-20
• The 3750CS can add independent weighments together and keep a counter of how many weighments were
added (Totaled). The Weighments counter can be thought of as a box or palette counter.
• “TOTAL” always uses the displayed weight, so gross and net readings can be added into the same total.
• There are two modes of Totaling which are set in the SETUP TOTAL section. The Manual mode uses the
key to add the current weight to the previously totaled value. The Auto mode will automatically
add the last, settled value to the total (or optionally the highest value). See “SETUP TOTAL” for instructions
to enable the AUTO TOTAL modes.
• Both modes have a means to prevent the same load from totaling twice. Once totaled, the load must be
removed from the scale before a new load can be added to the Total. Applied weight must be greater
than the Total Threshold before it can be totaled. See “SETUP TOTAL” for instructions on how to
set the Total Threshold.
To Total with the TOTAL Key
(Unit must be setup to Manual Total mode)
Rules for use:
1) The motion annunciator must be off, the scale must be stable unless motion is disabled in the Setup
Total menu.
2) Only positive readings can be accumulated.
3) The scale adds the current reading (relative to the Net zero or Gross zero depending on mode) to the
contents of the accumulate register.
4) After a weighment is totaled, the weight must go below the Total Threshold before another weight can be
added to the total. This assures that a weight on the scale is only added to the total once.
5) When the total weight exceeds the display capability of 999,999 counts, or the total weighments count
exceeds 9999, dashes will appear to reflect a display overflow. The larger numbers can be printed through
the use of the PRINT button, or with a computer hookup.
SETUP Option, see “SETUP TOTAL” to enable Auto Total.
When the weight exceeds the Total Threshold the total function operates automatically.
There are 5 modes of Auto Total. Each mode is used in slightly different ways.
Mode 1, Autonorm: The displayed weight is held in a holding register and added when the weight returns below
the Total Threshold. When a weight settles (no motion), the Total LED indicator will flash three times. If the
weight changes to a new settled value the LED will flash again indicating that the previous settled reading has
been replaced. The last settled reading is what will be used for totaling when the scale returns below the Total
Threshold. The user must make sure that while removing the load the scale does not stabilize enough for a new
reading or an erroneous weighment addition could occur. The last settled weight is actually added to the total
when the scale returns to below the Total Threshold.
Mode 2, Autopeak: The “AUTOPEAK” total mode works the same as Autonorm, except that the highest settled
reading will be used for totaling on return to zero, rather than the last settled reading.
Mode 3, Autoload: Autoload totals the applied weight as soon as the weight is stable (Motion Indicator off).
Additional weight cannot be totaled until the weight drops below the Total Threshold
Mode 4, Loaddrop: The “LOADDROP” mode uses an external push button to start the total process. The
operator pushes the button when the weight he wants to total is on the scale. After pushing the button, the
CellScale starts a long term average of the current weight that ends when the weight is dropped. This method
is designed for commodity weighing of scrap metal, or other types of materials that are loaded into rail cars,
Place the weight to be totaled on the scale. When
the weight has stabilized, push the TOTAL Key
(usually F3). The current weight is added to the
total register. The display gives an indication of how
many weighments have been totaled. i.e. 1 TOTAL,