MI 3152(H)
XC (2,5 kV)
General description
Testing potential on PE terminal
In certain instances faults on the installation's PE wire or any other accessible metal bonding
parts can become exposed to live voltage. This is a very dangerous situation since the parts
connected to the earthing system are considered to be free of potential. In order to properly
check the installation against this fault the
key should be used as an indicator prior to
performing live tests.
Examples for application of PE test terminal
Figure 1.1: Reversed L and PE conductors (plug commander)
Figure 1.2: Reversed L and PE conductors (application of 3-wire test lead)
Reversed phase and protection conductors! The most dangerous situation!
If dangerous voltage is detected on the tested PE terminal, stop all measurements
immediately and ensure the cause of the fault is eliminated before proceeding
with any activity!