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Electric energy meter,
without neutral wire
The LE-05d is a static (electronic) calibrated electricity meter,
used as a sub-meter for indicating the consumed three-phase
AC active electricity in the Arona metering system.
A special electronic system under the influence of current flow
and applied voltage in each phase generates pulses in propor-
tion to the electricity consumed in this phase.
Phase energy consumption is indicated by flashing the corre-
sponding LED (A and C). The sum of the three phases of pulses
indicated by a flashing LED is converted to energy taken in the
entire three-phase system, and its value is determined by the
segment LCD display.
Numbers after the decimal point indicate decimals (.1 kWh =100
F&F Filipowski L.P.
Konstantynowska 79/81, 95-200 Pabianice, POLAND
phone/fax (+48 42) 215 23 83 / (+48 42) 227 09 71
www.fif.com.pl; e-mail: [email protected]
Do not dispose of this device in the trash along with other waste!
According to the
Law on Waste, electro coming from households free of charge and can give any amo-
unt to up to that end point of collec� on, as well as to store the occasion of the pur-
chase of new equipment (in accordance with the principle of old-for-new, regardless
of brand). Electro thrown in the trash or abandoned in nature, pose a threat to the
environment and human health.