Programming—IFC-1010/2020 Programming
At certain points during operator or programming functions, the
Backspace key aborts all the data just entered. For instance, during Full
Point Programming, a particular point must be fully programmed before
the control panel can use the information. If the Backspace key is pressed
at a prompt (:) before all parameters (such as address, Type Identification
[ID], Control-By-Event ([CBE] interlock equation, etc.) for that point are
entered into the control panel, then all previous entries for that point will
be ignored.
When the All Call button is pressed on an Audio Message Generator
(AMG) connected to an IFC-1010/2020 panel, an All Call activation
signal is received by the panel. Upon receipt of the All Call signal, the
IFC-1010/2020 panel immediately activates all specially programmed
XP Transponder and addressable control module circuits, which have been
programmed with a Software Type ID SPKR. Programming is performed
in the XP Transponder using the XRAM-1 (see the
XP Transponder
Technical Bulletin [LIT-448180]
The SIB-2048(A), SIB-N2, and SIB-NET serial communications boards
are available for use on the IFC-1010/2020 system (see the
Installing the
IFC-1010/2020 Technical Bulletin [LIT-448155]
). For the IFC-1010/2020
with the Metasys Fire Network system, only the SIB-NET may be used. If
a SIB-NET board is not installed, specific Fire Network functions cannot
be programmed or viewed under Read Status.
Rapid All Call