M A G U I R E P R O D U C T S , I N C .
00001 to 00009 =
sound alarm after specified number of retries and continue retries until
successful. The process will not continue until the fault condition is corrected. The last digit
determines the number of retries before sounding the alarm. This is appropriate for all
important and necessary components.
00011 to 00019 =
sound alarm after specified number of retries but then stop the retries
and continue with the remainder of the cycle. The alarm will continue until the fault condition
is corrected or until the next cycle begins. The last digit determines the number of retries
before sounding the alarm. This would be appropriate if you wish to make several attempts
at a dispense, such as regrind, but you wish the process to continue even without the
00021 to 00029 =
same as 1 to 9, Stop Process, Sound Alarm, but NO more retries. Just
sound alarm and wait. Press the RESET button to clear alarm and start the retries again.
Appropriate ONLY if you absolutely want operator intervention to occur when material runs
low. In other words you do not want any automatic loading or other correction to allow the
process to continue.
00031 to 00039 =
DO NOT sound alarm. After specified number of retries stop the retries
and continue with the remainder of the cycle. The last digit determines the number of retries
before continuing with the process. This would be appropriate if you wish to make several
attempts at a dispense, such as regrind, but you wish the process to continue without any
alarm indication.
Over Dispense Alarm
– Grams or Percent -
The first three digits of the _AL parameter
(xxx00) may be used to STOP and ALARM the blender if an over dispense occurs by a
specified number of grams or percent. To specify grams above target to cause an alarm,
enter 001 through 499 in the first three digits. To enable percent, entering 5 in the first digit
(6-9 invalid in first digit). When percent is enabled, the 2
and 3
digits are the percent of
weight (01
– 99) above the target to cause an alarm.
Over Dispense grams example:
4AL 06004 will cause the system to STOP and ALARM if
the fourth component dispense is 60 grams over target. If target is 300 grams: 300 + 60 =
360 grams or 60 grams over the target of 300 grams, which will stop and alarm with error:
***ERROR*** Comp 4 Wt Exceeded
Over dispense percent example:
4AL 52004 will cause the system to STOP and ALARM if
the fourth component dispense is 20% over target. If target is 300 grams: 300 x .20 = 60
grams over target which will stop and alarm with error ***ERROR*** Comp 4 Wt Exceeded.
Reset alarm -
Use PAUSE (or POWER OFF) to reset the alarm condition. If a USB drive is
connected and *54 enabled, a standard cycle printout will occur.
Allows a setting entry of less then 00.1 (Not for use with Natural components)
_XT, is a number that will alter the value of the setting that you enter. The
underscore ( _ ) represents the component number, 1 through 9, or
“A” for
t 10, “B” for component 11 and “C” for component 12. The value of the XT
parameter is divided into the setting, thereby reducing the setting's value.
The only valid entries are 10 and 100. When set to "00010" the decimal point is
moved to the left one place and the setting is read as X.XX percent. When set to
"00100" the decimal point is moved to the left two places and the setting is read as
.XXX percent. This allows closer control where a requested dispense is less than 1
percent. When set to "00000", this parameter has no effect.
Summary of Contents for WEIGH SCALE BLENDER WSBMB Series
Page 17: ...M A G U I R E P R O D U C T S I N C 17 W E I G H S C A L E B L E N D E R...
Page 123: ...M A G U I R E P R O D U C T S I N C 123 W E I G H S C A L E B L E N D E R Technical Drawings...
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