List of Revisions
The following list provides an account of major changes from the previous version of this document.
Summary of Change
Changed measurement format so that metric
measurements appear first followed by imperial in
Revised figure titles for clarity.
Corrected general grammar and punctuation.
Throughout the book
Added paragraph stating that this instruction is also
available in Russian.
Updated declarations of conformity.
EC Declaration of Conformity—Windrower Lift Sling,
Added new section for battery safety.
Added footnote to lift sling part number stating that it is
not sold separately.
2.2.1 Moving to Assembly Area: Crane Method, page
3.2.1 Lifting Windrower onto Stand: Crane Method,
page 28
Updated illustrations to show new battery hold-down.
3.7 Removing Battery Shipping Shield, page 61
3.13.1 Connecting Batteries on an M205 or M155,
page 72
Corrected step to attach red positive cable terminals to
positive posts (C), which was erroneously referenced
as (A).
3.13.2 Connecting Batteries on an M105, page 73
Removed reference to M200 and extra hose in the
Note under Step 2.
3.6.2 Installing Hydraulics on an M155, page 43
Updated procedure to show location of fuse box.
3.8 Unpacking Ignition Keys, page 62
Updated illustration to show new safety prop handle
and decal.
Reorganized sections for clarity.
3.21 Attaching Headers, page 97
Added Hydraulic Union kit (MD #166844) to table of
kits that may be required to attach a D-Series Header
to an M205 Self-Propelled Windrower.
3.21.2 Attaching a D-Series Header, page 98
Added note recommending 18.4 x 26 drive tires when
attaching 13-ft R85 headers to the M155 or M205.
3.21.4 Attaching an R-Series Header, page 132
Revision A