Rev A
3. Set MFR_VOUT_AVP to a percentage that produces the
desired output excursion as a function of current.
For example, if the goal is to allow a 2.5% output change
on a 3.3V 6-phase supply rated at 120A during an output
load step from 20% to 80%, the following parameters
should be programmed.
First set an output current warning level for the master (one
of six phases) just slightly higher than the rated full load
to avoid spurious warnings. Typically this same setting
would also be applied to the five slave phases.
IOUT_OC_WARN_LIMIT = 1.1 • 120A/6 = 22A
The open circuit output voltage calculation for the master
phase must reflect that the AVP specification in this case
only covers an output load swing of 60%.
VOUT_COMMAND = 3.3V(1 + 0.5 • 0.025/0.6)
= 3.3687V
The AVP calculation must then account for the fact that
IOUT_OC_WARN_LEVEL is set higher than the 100%
load point.
100% •1.1• 2 • 3.3687 – 3.3
With the output voltage at 3.3V at 50% load these set-
tings will move V
from approximately 3.34V to about
3.26V when the output load of the rail moves from 24A
to 96A. Note that V
will drop to 3.23V at full load in
this design example.
Digital output servo mode is automatically disabled if
AVP is enabled on a master phase. AVP is active during
all output ramping when enabled (e.g., a TON_RISE se-
quence). AVP is disabled on master phases by program-
ming MFR_VOUT_AVP to 0.0% (factory default). AVP is
automatically disabled on phases configured as slaves
(FB tied to V
Because of related ISENSE input offsets, increased output
voltage error can occur at all operating currents when AVP
is engaged. To minimize this error a calibration offset can
be added to the master phase VOUT_COMMAND value
based on the READ_VOUT value obtained when operat-
ing at a known output current of at least 20% of full load
(READ_IOUT). The necessary correction, which will typi-
cally be less than several percent of the no load output
voltage, is calculated as:
• 1–
PWM Frequency Synchronization
The LTC3882-1 incorporates an internal phase-locked
loop (PLL) which enables synchronization of both PWM
channels (falling edge PWM) to an external CMOS clock
from 250kHz to 1.25MHz. The PLL is locked to the falling
edge of the SYNC pin clock signal. This PLL also generates
very accurate channel phase relationships which can be
selected with the MFR_PWM_CONFIG_LTC3882-1 com-
mand. For PolyPhase applications, all phases should be
spaced evenly in the phase diagram for best results. For
instance, a 4-phase system should use a separation of
90° between channels.
The PLL has a lock detection circuit. If the PLL should lose
lock during operation, bit 4 of the STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC
command is asserted and the
pin is pulled low,
unless masked. The fault can be cleared by writing a 1 to
STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC bit 4. A spurious
for an
unlocked PLL may occur at start-up or during a reset if
this fault is not masked.
Neither PWM channel will transition from off to the RUN
state until PLL lock is indicated. When transitioning a
channel from off to RUN, bit 4 of STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC
will be set if the PWM ramp generator for that channel
is not also locked to the desired PLL output frequency.
If the SYNC pin is not externally clocked in the application,
the PWMs will operate at the frequency specified by a non-
zero FREQUENCY_SWITCH command. If that command
is set to 0x0000 (external clock only) in EEPROM or with
RCONFIG (FREQ_CFG pin grounded), then at power-up,
not start without an external clock input. If the external
clock is lost while programmed for external clock only, or
if the PWM is simply switched to this setting under power
with no external clock present, the PLL will start/run at