Starting up the device - Configuration
Leuze electronic
BCL 604i
Start-up signal
Switch-off signal
Start-up delay
Figure 10.4: Example 3: Start-up delay >0 Switch-off signal prior to lapsing of the start-up delay
If the output is again deactivated via the switch-off signal before the start-up delay lapses, only a brief pulse
appears at the output following the start-up delay.
Comparison functionality
If, for example, the switching output is to be activated after four invalid read results, the comparative value
is set to 4 and the switch-on function is configured to “invalid read result”.
The comparison mode parameter can be used to define whether the switching output is activated only
once in the case that the event counter and comparative value fulfill the “parity” condition, or if it is activated
multiple times, on each successive event after the “parity” condition is met.
The event counter can always be reset with the I/O data in the I/O status and control module; furthermore,
the reset mode parameter enables automatic resetting upon reaching the comparative value. Automatic
resetting upon reaching the comparative value always results in the switching output being switched once
independent of the comparison mode parameter.
The standard switch-off function at reading gate start is rather unsuited for this module since it causes the
event counter to be reset on each reading gate start. Suitable as switch-off function for this example is the
valid read result function; otherwise, all switch-off functions are deactivated.
10.12.2Parameters for operating as an input
Debounce time
Parameter for setting the software debounce time for the switching input. The definition of a debounce time
extends the signal transition time accordingly.
If the value of this parameter = 0, no debouncing takes place; otherwise, the configured value represents
the duration in milliseconds for which the input signal must be present and stable.
Start-up delay td_on
If the value of this parameter = 0, no start-up delay occurs for the activation of the input function; otherwise,
the configured value represents the time in milliseconds by which the input signal is delayed.