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2.2.1 CDI Communication -
Set Bitrate
In this menu you have the option, to select the appropriate Bitrate for
your application.
The default value is 115200 bit/s.
Automatic bitrate detection via the CDI is not possible.
– CDI Communication: Set Bitrate
1 – 2400 Bit/s
2 – 4800 Bit/s
3 – 9600 Bit/s
4 – 19200 Bit/s
5 – 38400 Bit/s
6 – 57600 Bit/s
7 – 115200 Bit/s
2.2.2 CDI Communication -
Set Parity
In this menu you have the option to select the appropriate parity for
your application from the displayed values.
The default value is "Even Parity (1 stop-bit)".
The number of stop-bits is based automatically on the parity setting.
This ensures that a transmission always contains the same number
of bits per byte.
KUNBUS-IC - CDI Communication: Set Bitrate
1 - Even Parity, 1 Stopbit
2 - Even Parity, 2 Stopbit
3 - Odd Parity, 1 Stopbit
4 - Odd Parity, 2 Stopbit
5 - No Parity, 1 Stopbit
6 - No Parity, 2 Stopbit