on the side
Serve with a salad of toma-
toes, white onions and fresh
Chicken curry
Place the raclette trays on the smooth plate. In each tray, melt 10 g of but-
ter and leave the onion and shallot until golden. Add the chicken. Leave to
cook for 12 minutes and sprinkle the curry powder, salt and pepper on it. Stir
and leave to cook for a minute.
Add the crème fraîche, stir in and add a little mango chutney before serving.
4 chicken breasts, cut into pieces
1 large chopped onion
2 chopped shallots
80 g of butter
curry powder
salt and pepper
8 tablespoons of crème fraîche
mango chutney (spicy orien-
tal sauce)
on the side
Serve with a green salad
seasoned with walnut oil.
Cook the potatoes in their skins, leave them to cool and peel them. Grate
them with a large grater.
Lightly cook the onions and bacon in a frying pan.
Mix the grated potatoes with the egg, thick crème fraîche, cheese, bacon
and onion. Add salt and pepper.
Cook on the smooth plate, turning halfway through.
500 g of potatoes
1 onion
250 g of bacon pieces
125 g of grated Gruyère cheese
1 egg
2 tablespoons of thick crème fraîche
smooth plate*
8 reuchtis
smooth plate*
8 raclette trays
Add the chicken to the raclette trays. Place the tortillas on the smooth plate to warm them up (for
around 15 seconds on each side). Fill each tortilla with the preparation and fold them into rolls.
* set the thermostat to maximum and pre-heat for 15 minutes
KRUPS RACLETTE - 2016236010 31/08/06 11:36 Page 21