The engine can be damaged if the antifreeze concentration is insufficient.
Damage to the cooling system.
Engine casing fracture
➤ Check coolant.
➤ Protect the coolant against frost.
➤ Top up as necessary.
2. Use the coolant tester as instructed by the manufacturer to test the coolant.
Concentration of antifreeze is too low: Change the coolant.
Performing final work steps:
1. Screw on the filler cap.
2. Close the door. Mixing coolant
Never use water without coolant additive. Water alone is corrosive at engine operating tempera‐
ture. Water alone does not offer sufficient protection from boiling or freezing.
The coolant is a mixture of clean, fresh water and antifreeze with corrosion inhibitor.
For reasons of corrosion protection and the need to raise the boiling point, the coolant must remain
in the cooling system throughout the year.
The maximum permissible coolant life is 2 years.
➤ Follow coolant recommendations in chapter 2.7.4.
Preparing coolant
Precondition Coolant must meet the specification of ASTM D4985.
➤ The coolant should be mixed in the proportions given by the manufacturer.
KAESER coolant mixture table
Frost protection to [°C]
1 part
2 parts
1 part
1.5 parts
1 part
1 part
Tab. 92 KAESER coolant mixture table
The concentration of antifreeze should not be less than 33% for ensured corrosion protection. Filling and topping up the coolant
The proportion of antifreeze in the coolant should not fall below 33% to ensure frost and corrosion
protection and prevent the build up of deposits in the cooling circuit. Topping up with water alone
dilutes the antifreeze concentration and is forbidden.
Make sure that there is sufficient room for hot coolant to expand without overflowing.
10 Maintenance
10.3 Engine maintenance
Operator manual Portable compressor
M 64
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