Intermec EasyLAN 100i – User's Manual Ed. 1
Chapter 6
Having connected the EasyLAN 100i to your network, this section
now describes how to set up your EasyLAN 100i for printing in the
OS/2 environment.
If you intend to operate your EasyLAN 100i in a multiprotocol
environment, you should also proceed to the other relevant sections
in this manual, namely:
Chapter 4 “Setting Up - NetWare”
Chapter 5 “Setting Up - Windows”
Chapter 7 “Setting Up - UNIX”
The AXIS Print Utility for OS/2 is the tool to use for network print-
ing in OS/2 environments.
AXIS Print Utility for OS/2 is not supplied on the CD that comes
with EasyLAN 100i, but can be downloadedfrom AXIS home page
. Download and
install this utility now if you have not already done so.
If you want to change the default name or any of the EasyLAN 100i
default parameters, you can do so using any standard Web browser
or AXIS NetPilot from any Windows platform that is connected to
your network, or WinOS/2 window under OS/2.
Refer to
Chapter 8 “Configuration & Management”
for more in-
The AXIS Print Utility for OS/2 is not needed on the client plat-
forms when using a client-server configuration.
6. Setting Up – OS/2
Using the AXIS
Print Utility for