Intermec EasyLAN 100i – User's Manual Ed. 1
Chapter 4 Setting Up – Netware
Having installed your EasyLAN 100i print server in accordance
with the basic installation procedures described in
Chapter 3 “Basic
Installation; Basic Setup with AXIS NetPilot”
your EasyLAN 100i
print server should now feature in the ‘Network Print Servers’ folder
located in the AXIS NetPilot main window.
NetWare Network Environment Window
The NetWare Network Environment window allows you to con-
nect additional print queues to your EasyLAN 100i as well as cre-
ate new ones.
Follow the steps below to gain access to the NetWare Network En-
vironment window:
1. Select the required Network Print Server from the ‘Network Print
Server’ folder.
2. Choose Network from the Setup menu or click on the Network
icon on the AXIS NetPilot’s toolbar.
3. If you are not logged on to your NetWare file server, a dialog
box will ask you to log on.
The AXIS NetPilot NetWare Network Environment window
Installation using
AXIS NetPilot