Board and System Design Guidelines
Phi™ Processor x200 Product Family TMSDG
Order Number: 334785-002
Package/Socket Stack-up Height
The integrated stack-up height (from the top of the board to the top of the IHS) of a
processor package and LGA3647-1 socket with the processor fully seated in the socket
is 6.99 ± 0.352 mm.
1. This data is provided for information only, and should be derived from:
a. The height of the socket seating plane above the main board after reflow, given
b. The height of the package, from the package seating plane to the top of the
IHS, and accounting for its nominal variation and tolerances that are given in
2. This value is derived from a 3
Root-Sum-Square (RSS) calculation.
Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Design Considerations
Allowable Board Thickness
The components described in this document (namely back plate, bolster plate and
heatsink assemblies) support nominal board thicknesses in the range of 1.575 - 2.362
mm (0.062" - 0.093"). (The overall range including tolerances is given in
.) Boards outside this range may require modifications to the back plate
and heatsink retention.
Reference Board Layout
The processor reference board is a single node PCB 173 x 360 mm (6.8 x 14.2 inches)
intended for a 1U rack (half width). In principle two boards could be arranged side-by-
side in a 1U rack, allowing 2 nodes per 1U in a full width rack. Denser configurations
may be possible, but are not considered in this document.
Board Keep-outs
Each of the components described in this document may require an area beyond its
physical size to accommodate component movement. In identifying the board keep-
outs one should also consider board and system assembly processes and tools. As a
reference, recommended board keep-out drawings (PCB top and bottom side) for the
LGA3647-1 socket, bolster plate, back plate and heatsink are made available in
. PCB keep-outs include attach hole locations and sizes, component height
limits in the vicinity of the socket, and recommended areas to allow access to the
socket for processor installation.
Suggested Silkscreen Marking for Socket Identification
Intel is recommending that the socket name be silkscreened adjacent to the socket
such that it is visible after the bolster plate is installed.