NSM-8×1AES/NSM-7×2AES Installation and Operation Manual
Preliminary—Contents are proprietary and confidential. Do not photocopy or distribute.
Appendix B: Resource Module X-Y Network Communication
Expected Response
This command can result in a number of crosspoint status messages as
each crosspoint that has been requested to switch will result in a status
being sent. The exact number will depend on how many crosspoints are
switched. Resulting status messages will only be sent by the serial port
if Reporting has been enabled for the serial port.
Response syntax is as follows:
Optional parameter used to specify
the ID/ address of the device/panel
requesting the switch (valid IDs =
0 – FFFF ). If the destination
specified is protected this
information will be used in
determining whether or not the
issuing user may execute the switch
requested. If this parameter is left off
and the requested destination is
protected OR if the ID is different
than the ID of the device that
requested the destination be
protected, the crosspoint will not be
Carriage return
Table B-5. Crosspoint Take
Response Syntax
Response Syntax
Syntax Format Description
Crosspoint Status command
Table B-4. Crosspoint Take
Command Syntax
Command Syntax
Syntax Format Description