Operation (always required) {refer to previous list}.
Random Seed (wri) {0 - 65535}.
Source Address (mov, pos) {device-specific, determine range from Element Info}.
Type of Parameter Value.
• (gpo) {1=logical block, 2=physical block}.
• (spo) {1=logical block, 2=physical block}.
• (gpa) {1=block size, 2=compression, 3=buffering, 4=immediate, 5=trailer, 6=write protect, 7=acf
mode, 8=capacity, 9=sili}.
• (spa) {1=block size, 2=compression, 3=buffering, 4=immediate, 5=trailer, 6=write protect,
8=capacity, 9=sili}.
• (msg) {1=display msg0, 2=display msg1, 3=flash msg0, 4=flash msg1, 5=alternate
Verbose Mode (optional for all commands, stand-alone flag) {no value that is required, absence of flag
means quiet mode}.
Open Mode (optional for all commands) {1=read/write, 2=read only (default), 3=write only,
Parameter Value.
• (lck) {1=lock, 2=unlock}.
• (lod) {1=load, 2=unload}.
• (spo) {0 - 65535}.
• (spa) {0 - 65535}.
Messages (msg) {message1,message2}.
Input/Output file name.
• (sdp) {path and name of the file in which to store memory dump}.
• (dmc) {path and name of the microcode image file}.
• (wri) {path and name of the file that contains write data pattern}.
1. For read and write operations, the size of one buffer of data that is transferred during a single SCSI
read or write command is determined by the product of the Block Size value and the B Factor value.
The number of these buffers that are transferred is determined by Multiplier value. The actual total
number of bytes transferred is then (Block Size) x (Blocking Factor) x (Multiplier). If the device is set to
fixed block mode (block size not equal to zero), the product of Block Size and Blocking Factor must be a
multiple of the device block size setting.
2. For information on the Get Parameter (gpa) and Set Parameter (spa) operations, refer to the
ioctl commands that are described in the Programming
The following examples help to demonstrate and clarify the command-line usage of the tapeutil program.
For all examples, substitute the actual value of the special file that is associated with the target device.
TAPEUTIL in HP-UX system environment 273