7. Call your next level of support, if necessary.
Excessive Clean messages
Note: The clean cycle takes approximately 4-5 minutes per drive to run.
Normal clean messages are created by the drive microcode that automatically initiates a clean cycle. It
automatically loads a cleaning cartridge into the drive in the library. Excessive clean messages indicate
that other procedures might be necessary. You are being notified that the drive has excessive clean
messages when you see the additional text
appear on the service panel.
If you have excessive clean messages or you believe that the drive requires cleaning, complete this
procedure after the “Problem determination” on page 182 procedure.
Note: When the cleaning cartridge is loaded into the drive, the service panel displays the number of
allowed uses that remain on the cleaning cartridge. The service panel displays Cleaning . . . Left: nn
where nn is the number of uses that remains available for that cleaning cartridge. You also can determine
the number of uses that remain on the cleaning cartridge from host messages.
• If the cleaning cartridge reached its limit of 50 uses, notify the customer that you need a serviceable
cleaning cartridge before you can continue.
• If the cleaning cartridge in the library is below the limit of 50 uses, go to Step 1.
1. Run the Test Device diagnostic test from the “CE Verify Fix/Diag menu” on page 108.
2. If you are still getting excessive clean messages, replace the drive canister. See “FID 85: Drive
Preparing the tape drive for service
1. After you ensure that the customer's job is complete and that the drive is unloaded, ask the customer
to take offline at the host, the drive you intend to service.
2. Connect the virtual service panel. See“Connecting and disconnecting the laptop from the drive” on
3. Return to the procedure that sent you here.
Powering the device ON and OFF
Although there are no power ON/OFF switches on the 3592 drive canister or on the power supplies, you
must use the following procedure sparingly. Because the drive canister and the power supplies are all
single FRUs and are hot-pluggable, they do not require power ON/OFF switches for you to complete
service activities.
You can press Reset on the service panel to run the power-on self test (POST) diagnostic test.
Removing drive canister power
Procedures 183