UPS5000-H-1200 kVA
User Manual (100 kVA Power Modules)
5 Operations
Issue 01 (2020-07-15)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
5.2 Shutting Down and Powering Off the UPS
If the bypass is normal, the UPS transfers to bypass mode after the inverter is shut down; if
the bypass is abnormal, the UPS supplies no power after the inverter is shut down. Before
shutting down the UPS, ensure that all loads have been shut down.
Step 1
Shut down the inverter.
Shutting down the inverter on the LCD
Common Functions
Inv. OFF
. After confirmation, the inverter is shut down.
You can also choose
System Info
Inv. OFF
to shut down the inverter.
Shutting down the inverter on the WebUI
UPS System
Running Control
, and click
Inv. OFF
If the inverter shuts down and the bypass is normal, the UPS transfers to bypass mode. The
Bypass mode
alarm is displayed on the LCD.
Figure 5-5
Normal bypass