User Manual
7 WebUI
Issue 04 (2018-04-10)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
7.1 Note
The web software version corresponding to the WebUI snapshots in this document is
SmartLogger V200R002C20SPC112. The data on the WebUI snapshots is for reference
Parameters displayed on the WebUI vary with the SmartLogger model. This document
describes the operations to be performed on the WebUI for the SmartLogger2000-10-C.
When you log in to the WebUI with different identifications, parameters displayed on the
operation pages vary. This document describes the operation pages displayed after you log
in as
Advanced User
The parameter names, value ranges, and default values are subject to change. The actual
display prevails.
The 1000 V and 1500 V inverters have the maximum input voltages of 1000 V and 1500 V
respectively. The 1100 V inverter refers to the inverter with the maximum input voltage of
1100 V or the SUN2000-33KTL-US/36KTL-US/40KTL-US. The maximum input voltage
can be queried from the product nameplate or the appropriate user manual.
7.2 Preparations for Login
Operating Environment
The operating environment for the WebUI should meet the following requirements:
Operating system: Windows
Internet Explorer 8 to Internet Explorer 11, Firefox17–Firefox39, or
CHROME41–CHROME45 (Windows 7)
Minimum resolution: 1024x768
For Internet Explorer 8, the recommended release is 8.0.7601.17514 or later.