User Manual
2 Product Overview
Issue 04 (2018-04-10)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Each SmartLogger2000-10-C/11-C connects to a maximum of 150 inverters.
Allows you to monitor and manage the PV power system on the embedded WebUI,
for example, viewing real-time information about PV plants, devices, and faults,
setting device parameters, and maintaining devices in remote mode.
Allows you to monitor the devices in the PV power system on the APP in real time,
such as viewing information about PV plants, devices, products, and faults, setting
device parameters, and maintaining devices.
Easy maintenance
Allows users to upgrade the firmware of the SmartLogger and export data by using
a USB flash drive.
Allows you to upgrade the firmware of the SmartLogger, inverter, PLC module, and
PID module, and export logs and data over the embedded WebUI.
Allows you to manage the devices connecting to the SmartLogger, upgrade the
firmware of these devices, exports data from these devices, and classify and query
alarms over the app.
Intelligent management
Automatically searches for and accesses Huawei inverters, PLC modules, and PID
modules. If you import a parameter configuration table, the SmartLogger can access
third-party devices that support Modbus-RTU and standard IEC103.
Automatically assigns RS485 addresses to the connected Huawei inverters and PID
modules, and allows for RS485 address adjustment based on ESNs to facilitate
remote configuration and maintenance.
Supports remote configuration of inverter parameters over the embedded WebUI
and synchronizes the parameters from one inverter to other inverters in batches.
Automatically collects the data generated during the communication disconnection
from the inverter or manually collects the data over the embedded WebUI after the
connection resumes.
Remote maintenance
Simultaneously connects to multiple NMSs (including Huawei and third-party
NMSs) over Modbus-TCP and IEC104. Huawei NMS features centralized O&M,
big data analytics, intelligent diagnosis, and mobile O&M.
Supports connection to a third-party NMS over File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
Sends electricity yield and alarms to users by emails.
Grid scheduling
The SmartLogger supports various power grid scheduling modes and therefore can
meet the requirements of power grid companies in different countries.
Implements rapid active power control and reactive power compensation for all the
inverters connecting to the SmartLogger.