Where to install the capacity blocks
Base cabinet additional capacity blocks
6 X9700cx 3
1 X9700c 4
7 TFT monitor and keyboard
2 X9700c 3
8 c-Class Blade Enclosure
3 X9700c 2
9 X9700cx 2
4 X9700c 1
10 X9700cx 1
5 X9700cx 4
Expansion cabinet additional capacity blocks
In an expansion cabinet, you must add capacity blocks in the order shown in the following
illustration. For example, when adding a fifth capacity block to your HP StorageWorks X9720
Network Storage System, the X9700c 5 component goes in slots U31 through 32 (see callout 4),
and the X9700cx 5 goes in slots U1 through U5 (see callout 8).
Upgrading the X9720 Network Storage System hardware