Back view of an expansion cabinet with four capacity blocks
5. X9700cx 8
1. X9700c 8
6. X9700cx 7
2. X9700c 7
7. X9700cx 6
3. X9700c 6
8. X9700cx 5
4. X9700c 5
Performance blocks (c-Class Blade enclosure)
A performance block is a special server blade for the X9720. Server blades are numbered according
to their bay number in the blade enclosure. Server 1 is in bay 1 in the blade enclosure, and so
on. Server blades must be contiguous; empty blade bays are not allowed between server blades.
Only X9720 Network Storage System server blades can be inserted in a blade enclosure.
The server blades in an X9720 Network Storage System have different roles:
Server 1—X9000 management console. The X9000 management console is responsible for
managing the cluster configuration, including X9000 file serving nodes and X9000 clients.
The management console is not involved in the X9000 file system I/O operations.
Servers 2 through 16—X9000 file serving nodes. The file serving nodes manage the individual
segments of the file system. Each segment is assigned to a specific file serving node and each
node can "own" several segments. Segment ownership can be migrated from one node to
another while the X9000 file system is actively in use. The X9000 management console must
be running for this migration to occur.
The following diagram shows a front view of a performance block (c-Class Blade enclosure) with
half-height device bays numbering 1 through 16.
Front view of a c-Class Blade enclosure
The following diagram shows a front view of a performance block (c-Class Blade enclosure) with
half-height device bays numbering 1 through 16.
Component and cabling diagrams