Chapter 5. FUNCTIONS
Example 3:
(1) When the high-temperature sensor senses that the temperature has risen to
changeover point A, the channel switches from the low-temperature to the high-
temperature sensor.
(2) When the high-temperature sensor senses that the temperature has risen above
the upper limit of the dead band and reached point B, the channel switches from
the high-temperature to the low-temperature sensor at changeover point C.
(3) No switching is performed at changeover point E when the high-temperature
sensor senses that the temperature has only dropped to point D and has not gone
below the upper limit of the dead band.
(4) When the high-temperature sensor senses that the temperature has reached point
F at the upper limit of the dead band, the channel switches from the high-temper-
ature to the low-temperature sensor at changeover point C.
Example 4:
(1) When the high-temperature sensor senses that the temperature has risen to
changeover point A, the channel switches from the low-temperature to the high-
temperature sensor.
(2) When the high-temperature sensor senses that the temperature has risen above
the upper limit of the dead band and reached point B, the channel switches from
the high-temperature to the low-temperature sensor at changeover point C.
(3) When the high-temperature sensor senses that the temperature has dropped to
point D the lower limit of the dead band, the channel switches from the high-
temperature to the low-temperature sensor at changeover point E.