LOGIQ 500 Basic Users Manual
2233658–100 Rev. 0
To Store a Trouble Image to the Hard Drive
Should the LOGIQ
500 ever have a problem imaging, the
system has the capability of storing up to 8 trouble images on
the hard disk drive. To store a trouble image:
Freeze the trouble image.
Press the Ctrl, W keys simultaneously.
The message
“In progress. Please wait.” is displayed while the
image is being saved to the hard drive.
After the image has been saved, the message “ Input comment? ‘y’
or ‘n’ ” is displayed. Press ‘n’ for no comments. Press ‘y’ to add a
maximum of 42 characters as comments to the trouble image file.
Press Return after commenting is complete.
After the eighth image is saved, there is a warning to indicate
the disk space is full. The ninth attempt to save a trouble image
will require writing over the first image, etc. (first in, first out).
The message “
Overwrite the old image (DIAGIG00) ? ‘y’ or ‘n’”
is displayed. Press ‘y’ to replace the old trouble image with the
new one. Press ‘n’ to cancel the trouble image store action.
NOTE: Trouble images do not display Patient Name, ID or
Hospital Name information. That portion of the image is
blanked out and will not be shown when the file is recalled for