Custom Display
LOGIQ 500 Basic Users Manual
2233658–100 Rev. 0
Page 8 of 18 (Imaging Parameter 8 – Probe Dependent 8)
PDI Color Threshold EC, UP, P, R
Choose a priority level for B-Mode display during PDI mode. The higher the number, the
greater the emphasis on B-Mode verses PDI Mode.
Choose 0 to 100 in 1 digit increments.
PDI Threshold Power EC, UP, P, R
Set the threshold value (%) at which power information will start to be displayed.
Set from 0 to 50 percent.
Example: Setting = 20%; Power values less than 20% will not be displayed. They will
be set to the background color. Only power values over 20% will be displayed as color.
PDI Target Frame Rate EC, UP, P
Choose the desired frame rate range while in PDI mode.
Lowest frame rate for high color density
Low frame rate for PDI.
Medium frame rate for PDI.
High frame rate for PDI.
PDI Target Frame Rate Dtl EC, UP, P
Choose the desired frame rate range while in the Detail (Dtl) Mode of PDI presentation.
Lowest frame rate for high color density
Low frame rate for PDI Detail Mode.
Medium frame rate for PDI Detail Mode.
High frame rate for PDI Detail Mode.
PDI Packet Size Survey, Map, SrvyDtl and MpDtl EC, UP, P
Choose the default packet size for each PDI diagnostic mode display. This will be for
Survey Mode, Map Mode, Survey-Detail Mode and Map-Detail Mode.
Small packet size.
Medium packet size.
Large packet size.
NOTE: The higher the packet size the better the color presentation but with a slower
frame rate.
PDI Velocity [cm/s] EC, UP, P, R
Choose the default PDI velocity scale in centimeters per second.
Value from 0 to 1000 in 10 digit increments.