5461425-8EN, R
XR118 S
Page 120
Section 10.0 - Detector Association
Wireless Detector Management
Click the Detector Management icon to list all the detectors registered in the system.
Figure 5-18 Detector Management
To associate a “Non-associated”:
1.) Selects a non-associated detector from the detector list which has been boot up.
2.) Clicks “Associate” button to make it as associated detector.
3.) After the detector association is done. The detector is marked with asterisk as associated
detector. The prior associated detector changes to non-associated.
After detector associated with the system, if the detector FW version not compatible, the
system shall display FW incompatible message in the system inhibit message bar.
When system uploads the detector calibration data, there shall be a message “Detector
calibration data upload is in progress. Please wait” in the system inhibit message bar.
To identify a detector
1.) Click the [Identify] button to confirm the wireless connection of the associated detector.
[Identify] button will be active only when associated detector is selected.
Prior to identifying the associated detector, the detector should be successfully boot up and
connected to the system.
2.) The associated Detector connection LED blinks for 15 seconds if identification is successful.
If the associated detector is in sleep mode, the identify process will indicate user that the
associated detector is not available. Please wake up the detector.
If there is a detector communication error, the identify process will indicate user of the
identification failure.