High-speed Internet access
If you configure high-speed Internet access with the funkwerk gateway, all the users in the
local network profit from faster Internet access. The bandwidth used permits considerably
faster Internet applications than conventional ISDN or modems.
Automatic dialling and disconnection
Once configured, your device decides independently if and how it is to set up a connection
to the Internet Service Provider. If you enter an external WWW address in your browser, for
example, your gateway determines that the requested address lies outside your own LAN
and establishes a connection to your Internet Service Provider and the Internet automatic-
ally. To help you save costs, your gateway disconnects the connection after a predefined
time (short hold) if no more information is exchanged.
Simple data access
If suitably configured, your device enables you to conveniently access data at another site,
e.g. your head office. While running Windows, for example, you can connect a network
drive to a computer at your head office. You then simply click the icon for this link in Win-
dows Explorer and can surf in the directories and data of the remote computer just as if you
were using your own hard disk. Your gateway takes care of setting up and clearing the con-
Your gateway is provided with integrated firewall mechanisms and therefore provides ex-
tensive, low-cost features to meet all the requirements for access security. It protects your
network against unauthorised external access. This is achieved with functions such as
NAT, encryption, filters, monitoring and a Stateful Inspection Firewall.
The Stateful Inspection Firewall (SIF) offers effective protection against attacks from the In-
ternet through dynamic packet filtering. Firewall handling is made easier through numerous
pre-configured services. To be able to find partners in spite of dynamic IP addresses, the
devices support the DynDNS function. The implemented function enables you to use the
DynDNS service of leading DynDNS providers, and some providers have been preset. The
security features of the device also include optional content filtering (there is an extra
charge for this, 30-day test version included). Here, all the outgoing Internet enquiries are
classified, allowing unwanted content to be reliably filtered out.
Other security features
With the scheduling function of the devices, times can be defined in which users are gran-
ted individual rights, such as for Internet access. The VLAN function of the devices allows
the allocation of users to virtual subnets and offers additional security.
Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH
1 Introduction
funkwerk TR200aw/bw