The function is activated with
The function is not activated by default.
Send Key Hash Pay-
Select whether key hash payloads are to be sent during IKE
(phase 1).
In the default setting, the public key hash of the remote end is
sent together with the other authentication data. Only applies for
RSA encryption; activate this function with
to sup-
press this behaviour.
12.2 L2TP
The layer 2 tunnel protocol (L2TP) enables PPP connections to be tunnelled via a UDP
Your funkwerk device supports the following two modes:
• L2TP LNS Mode (L2TP Network Server): for incoming connections only
• L2TP LAC Mode (L2TP Access Concentrator): for outgoing connections only
Note the following when configuring the server and client: An L2TP tunnel profile must be
created on each of the two sides (LAC and LNS). The corresponding L2TP tunnel profile is
used on the initiator side (LAC) to set up the connection. The L2TP tunnel profile is needed
on the responder side (LNS) to accept the connection.
12.2.1 Tunnel Profiles
In the VPN -> L2TP -> Tunnel Profiles menu a list of all configured tunnel profiles is
shown. New
Choose the New button to set up new tunnel profiles.
12 VPN
Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH
funkwerk TR200aw/bw