Fluidmesh uses copper-tin-zinc-plated female QMA connectors. These
connectors are capable of corrosion resistance that exceeds the demands
imposed by
salt spray testing. The connectors are virtually
immune to corrosion, provided that they do not remain in contact with
standing salt water for long periods of time.
In the opinion of Fluidmesh engineers, certain brands of QMA plug have
shown outstanding performance. We can confidently recommend the
following brands:
• Amphenol
• Huber+Suhner
• Rosenberger
• Radiall
Do not remove the protective rubber sleeves from a female
QMA plug (below) if an antenna will not be connected to the
plug. Unprotected QMA plug contacts that are exposed to
water will oxidize, causing degraded performance.
Figure 9. Protective rubber sleeves
Connect the antennas to the unit by doing the following steps:
The number and types of antennas to be connected to the unit
will have been decided at the network design stage. Verify which
antenna will be connected to each QMA plug.
Only remove the rubber sleeve from a QMA plug (above) if an
antenna must be connected to the plug.
Next, proceed to the steps in the following table:
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