Read section A and B completely prior to operation or repair of golf car
Brake pivot hardware is rusted
or sticky
Brake system requires complete
Adjust entire system
Wheel do not lock
Brake pedal not returning
Check brake pedal linkage
Check the brake pedal free travel
Rust on drums
Drive the vehicle at maximum level
ground speed while applying
moderate force to the brake pedal.
This should remove the rust.
Repeat if needed
Brakes grabbin
Brake Pivot binding
Check and replace parts as needed
Free play is not correct.
Adjust pedal free travel at spherical
nut and check that wheel brake
actuators are returning fully
Sticky/dragging cable
Check for brake pedal return
Check that brake levers return at
equal rate - (Uneven result indicates
one cable is dragging)
Parking brake is too hard to
Brake shoe glazed (Slick glossy
surface on shoes)
Rough up the glazed surface. Sand
the shoes with emery cloth. Brake
shoes must have 06" (1.5 mm) min.
material remaining
Parking brake will not stay
Excessive wear
Check for worn latch mechanism
and replace if needed (this part can
be flipped for extended use)
Fig. F7 Troubleshooting Table (Continued)
New Vehicle Troubleshooting and Inspection
A new vehicle will undergo an initial break-in of components including brake cables and brake shoes. In
this break-in period, it is not uncommon for the brake pedal free travel (and the effort required to latch the
parking brake) to change. The timing of this change varies with terrain and the driving habits of the
operator(s). When this occurs, the brake linkage should be adjusted. See “Adjusting Brake Pedal Free
Travel”. After this initial period, no further adjustments should be required until routine maintenance is
Troubleshooting and Inspection Procedures
To troubleshoot the mechanical brake system, inspect the brake pedal and linkage to find worn or
damaged parts per the Troubleshooting Flowchart (Ref Fig. F5). Then, perform the Periodic Brake
Performance Test to evaluate system performance. Based on the results of the inspection and tests,
refer to the Troubleshooting Table (Ref Fig. F6) to evaluate symptoms and repairs. If required,
disassemble the wheel brake to locate and correct internal faults.