Electronic Speed Control (Non-PDS)
Read section A and B completely prior to operation or repair of golf car
4. If the install program detects duplicate files, please keep any files newer than what is on the install
5. Attach the 9-pin D-shell connector to the 9-pin serial port connector on the back of the computer.
KC_Host currently uses the PC’s serial port COMM 1 to communicate with controllers. For the USB
version programming cable, attach the USB connector to your computer.
6. Turn off the vehicle, and connect 4-pin plug to the 4-pin connector on the controller.
7. With a 9-pin D-shell connector programming cable attached, start the “KC_Host” program from the
computer (Located now in Programs under the Start Menu.) It will state “Waiting to Communicate”
“Cycle Controller Power” ( See Screenshot 1 ) Notice under the main title there will be a message
“Not Connected”. KC_Host has not yet established communication with the controller.
With a USB programming cable attached, Start the “KC_Host_USB” program from the computer.
8. Turn on the vehicle The white status screen will soon say “Communication Established” and then
“Please Select Mode”. ( See Screenshot 2 ) Under the main title you will now see that “Not
Connected” has been replaced with the Controller Number and Firmware Version.
9. Click on “Setup.” The screen will first read " Requesting Values from Controller" and once the
parameters have been received it will read “Viewing Setup Parameters”. ( See Screenshot 3 )
Following this explanation is a list of the parameters, their descriptions, ranges and defaults. The
arrow and tab keys work much like other Windows-based applications to navigate through the fields.
Use the Next and Previous buttons to switch parameter display pages if the parameters are more
than one page.
10. At the beginning, the user must input the lock code. After the user inputs the lock code, the lock tab
will become green (See Screenshot 4), and the values are now allowed to be modified. Modify
values by navigating to or clicking in the Value Box for variable desired and typing in a new value.
Then hit RETURN or TAB. It you do not press RETURN or TAB, KC_Host will not send the new value
to the controller. Once the controller has been sent the new value, you will notice that a confirmation
message will appear (See Screenshot 5).
11. If you happen to enter a number out of range for any parameter, the range will be displayed. ( See
Screenshot 6 ).