Read section A and B completely prior to operation or repair of golf car
Like other machines, golf cars can cause injury if improperly used or maintained. This section contains
broad safety practices applicable to golf car operations. Before operation, the user shall establish such
additional specific safety practices as may reasonably be required for safe operation.
Experience has shown that this vehicle is stable when properly operated and when operated in
accordance with specific safety rules and practices established to meet actual operating terrain and
conditions. However, improper operation, faulty maintenance, or poor housekeeping may contribute to a
condition of instability and failure of the user to follow safety practices, which also include the ground and
floor conditions, grade, speed, loading, the operation of the golf car with improper loads, battery weight,
dynamic and static forces, and the judgment exercised by the golf car operator.
(a) The user shall train golf car operators to adhere strictly to the operating instructions stated in the
safety regulations.
(b) The user shall survey specific operating conditions and environment, and establish and train golf car
operators to comply with additional, specific safety practices.
Nameplates, Markings, Capacity, and Modifications
The user shall maintain in a legible condition all nameplates, warnings, and instructions which are
supplied by the manufacturer.
The user shall not perform any modification or addition which affects capacity or safe operation, or make
any change not in accordance with the owner's manual without the manufacturer's prior written
authorization. Where authorized modifications have been made, the user shall ensure that capacity,
operation, warning, and maintenance instruction plates, tags, or decals are changed accordingly.
Contact the manufacturer to secure new nameplates, Warnings, or instructions which shall then be
affixed in their proper place on the golf car.
Lighting for Operating Areas
The user, in accordance with his responsibility to survey the environment and operating conditions, shall
determine if the golf car requires lights and, if so, shall equip the golf car with appropriate lights in
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
Warning Device (s)
The user shall make periodic inspections of the golf car to be certain that the sound-producing and/or
visual device (s) are maintained in good operating condition.
The user shall determine if operating conditions require the golf car to be equipped with additional