5 Configure process measurement
5.1 Set up the API referral application
The API referral application corrects line density to reference temperature and reference pressure according
to American Petroleum Institute (API) standards. The resulting process variable is
referred density
The API referral application is not compatible with the following applications:
Gas Standard Volume Measurement (GSV)
Advanced Phase Measurement
Concentration measurement
Related information
Set up the API referral application using the display
Set up the API referral application using ProLink III
Set up the API referral application using the Field Communicator
API tables supported by the API referral application
Process variables from the API referral application
5.1.1 Set up the API referral application using the display
This section guides you through the tasks required to set up and implement the API referral application.
Related information
Enable the API referral application using the display
Configure API referral using the display
Set up temperature and pressure data for API referral using the display
Enable the API referral application using the display
The API referral application must be enabled before you can perform any setup. If the API referral application
was enabled at the factory, you do not need to enable it now.
The API referral application must be licensed on your transmitter.
1. Choose
Process Measurement
2. Choose
Flow Variables
Volume Flow Settings
and ensure that
Flow Type
is set to Liquid.
3. Return to the
Process Measurement
Configuration and Use Manual
Configure process measurement applications
April 2019
Configuration and Use Manual