a) Measure the voltage at the core processor terminals and ensure that it is receiving a minimum of
11.5 volts at all times. If it is not, verify the power wiring to the transmitter.
b) Verify that the tubes are full of process fluid.
c) Check the wiring between the sensor and the transmitter.
15.2.8 [010] Calibration Failed
Function Check Failed or Smart Meter Verification Aborted
The calibration failed.
Recommended actions
1. Ensure that your calibration procedure meets the documented requirements.
2. Reboot or power-cycle the transmitter.
3. Retry the procedure.
15.2.9 [011] Excess Calibration Correction, Zone too Low
Configuration Error
Refer to 010.
Recommended actions
1. Ensure that there is no flow through the sensor, then retry.
2. Power-cycle the flowmeter, then retry.
3. If appropriate, restore the factory zero to return the flowmeter to operation.
15.2.10 [012] Excess Calibration Correction Zero too High
Configuration Error
Refer to 010.
Recommended actions
1. Ensure that there is no flow through the sensor, then retry.
2. Power-cycle the flowmeter, then retry.
3. If appropriate, restore the factory zero to return the flowmeter to operation.
Configuration and Use Manual
April 2019
Micro Motion 4200 Transmitters