14 Log files, history files, and service files
14.1 Generate history log files
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The transmitter automatically saves historical data of several types, including Smart Meter Verification test
results, and totalizer values. To access the historical data, you can generate a log file, then view it on your PC.
This procedure is not available over either the display or HART.
If the transmitter is in a hazardous area, do not open the wiring compartment. Contact customer support.
If you want to generate a totalizer history log, you must have previously configured the transmitter to record
totalizer history. Totalizer history is not saved automatically.
1. If you are using the transmitter display, open the wiring compartment and insert the RS-485 adapter
into the appropriate connections.
If the transmitter is in a hazardous area, do not open the wiring compartment while the transmitter
is powered up. Opening the wiring compartment while the transmitter is powered up could cause
an explosion.
2. Select the type of log file that you want to generate.
3. If you selected historian data (process and diagnostic variables):
a) Set the date and time for the first entry in the historian log file.
b) Set the number of days that the log file will include.
c) Select the record type.
1 Second Raw Data
The current values of process and diagnostic variables, recorded at 10-second
5 Min Average Data
The minimum and maximum values of the 1-second raw data over the last
5 minutes, plus the average and the standard deviation, recorded at 5-minute
The system provides an estimated file size or transfer time.
4. Specify the location where the log file will be saved.
Configuration and Use Manual
Log files, history files, and service files
April 2019
Configuration and Use Manual