Recommended actions
1. Verify the line density value.
2. Verify the line temperature value.
3. Ensure that the application is configured to use the appropriate temperature source.
4. Ensure that the pressure source is configured correctly, that the external pressure device is operating
correctly, and that both devices are using the same measurement units.
5. Ensure that reference temperature and reference pressure, if applicable, are configured correctly.
6. Ensure that the selected API table is appropriate for the process fluid.
15.5 Concentration measurement problems
15.5.1 Significantly incorrect CM after loading matrix
The wrong temperature or density unit was configured when the matrix was loaded.
Recommended actions
Set the temperature and density units to the units used when the matrix was built, then reload the matrix.
For custom matrices, contact customer support.
15.5.2 Inaccurate CM reading
Inaccurate density measurement
Inaccurate temperature measurement
Incorrect reference conditions
Incorrect matrix data
Inappropriate trim values
Recommended actions
1. Verify the line density value.
2. Verify the line temperature value.
3. Ensure that the application is configured to use the appropriate temperature source.
4. Ensure that reference temperature is configured correctly.
5. Ensure that the appropriate matrix is active.
6. Ensure that the matrix is configured correctly.
7. Adjust the extrapolation limits for the active matrix.
8. Adjust measurement with a concentration offset trim.
Configuration and Use Manual
April 2019
Configuration and Use Manual