Operating Manual
© Dürr Systems AG
EcoBell2 SL EC - Rotating Atomizer with External Charging
Operating principle
Document No.: MRA00001EN
Version:: 07
As of:: 01/2020
53 / 156
- The effects on other areas with the same or other zone
classification must be taken into account for all works and the
corresponding protective measures must be applied.
- No present entry of flammable materials of any kind in the Ex zone.
This includes cleaning with flammable detergents.
- Sufficient thinning of the concentration of flammable materials. This
is the case if the concentration of gases or vapors in the mixture
with air drops well below 50% of the lower explosive limit, for
example by using mechanical ventilation. (see TRBS 1112-1 Chap.
- If remaining in Ex zones, MAK values (maximum workplace
concentration) must also be complied with.
- The mechanical ventilation must be turned on during the entire
duration of the work.
- The effect of the mechanical ventilation must be monitored during
the entire duration of the work. Appropriate measurements are
continuous or repeated single measurements or checks of supply
air rate and air extraction rate of the mechanical ventilation.
- Any unintentional turning off of the mechanical ventilation must be
precluded through adequate technical or organizational measures.
- As far as possible, flammable materials or residues of flammable
materials are to be removed.
- The application system must be in the operating mode “Cleaning”
or “Off" and be secured against unauthorized operation mode
changes according to the specifications of the operating
- All application parts have been rinsed and depressurized. The
details of the operating instructions are to be observed.
- As far as possible, all electrical components in the Ex zone are
without power. The details of the operating instructions are to be
- The high voltage is turned off, completely discharged, and secured
against unauthorized turning on according to the specifications of
the operating instructions.
- In the Ex zone, detergents may only be used in a premixed
- Avoid frictional and impact sparking.
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