Operating Manual
© Dürr Systems AG
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EcoBell2 SL EC - Rotating Atomizer with External Charging
Document No.: MRA00001EN
Version:: 07
As of:: 01/2020
The handling and use of the product requires specialized knowledge
for the safe operation of the application stations for electrostatic
coating. Safe handling of the media used is necessarily part of the
expert knowledge.
When handling the media, always follow the instructions of the
Personnel must be trained in the operation, maintenance, and repair
of the product.
If you need assistance in the training of operators, please contact our
training department (see chapter "Contacts & Hotline").
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Danger zones
A minimum distance must be maintained between grounded parts and
high voltage parts.
Danger from explosive atmospheres
Electric flashovers with spark generation
The distance between the spray system parts under high voltage parts
must be so large that there will not be any electrical flashover during
normal operation.
A minimum distance of 400 mm must be maintained from the tips of
the electrode needles.
This minimum distance does not apply to the distance between the
atomizer and work piece (painting distance) or for design distances of
the atomizer.