throttle and one for the R Throttle. If the direction indicator is lit,
and there is smoke over the loco icon
there is an address select-
ed on that throttle.
3. The direction indicator with blinking smoke
indicates which
throttle is currently active. The active throttle is the one for which
function and text information is currently displayed on the LCD
screen. Also, keypad entries control functions for the active throttle.
4. The direction indicator shows the direction of travel of a DCC
equipped loco selected on that throttle,
for reverse and
forward. If you are running an analog loco, the direction indicator
will only indicate change in track polarity and will not necessarily
match the direction of travel of an analog loco.
5. The current mode of operation is shown in center of the bottom line of
the display. The normal operating mode is Fn or function mode for
running trains. In this mode, the throttle knobs and direction keys
control the speed and direction of the locos. The Y + & N- Keys can
also be used to increase or decrease speed. The numeric keypad keys
0-8 are used for direct access to functions. F9-F12 are not available
with Super Empire Builder’s DB150 comand station.
For example, in Fn mode, to increase speed you can either turn the throt-
tle knob clockwise or press the Y + Key. To change the loco’s direc-
tion you can either double click the throttle knob or you can press
the reverse key associated with the throttle you are using. To access
functions on the active address you are controlling, simply press the
numeric key that corresponds to the function you want to activate or
deactivate. When you are in switch mode, the keypad is used for
entering switch commands while the throttle knobs and direction
keys continue to run the trains.
The following examples will help you learn about your new DT400. The
first example shows how to select and run an analog loco, the second
shows how to select and run a DCC equipped locomotive. Once both locos
are selected on your throttle, you can run them both at the same time.
2.7 Select & Run An Analog Loco on Address “00”
1. Place an analog locomotive (one without a decoder) on your layout.
While the analog loco is sitting still, you will hear the characteristic