Power Supply:
a transformer that provides power to the DCC system. The
transformer is not usually included with the DCC system.
entering values into configuration variables (CVs) available in
DCC decoders.
: the process by which Digitrax command stations automatically
release DCC locomotives from “in-use” to “common” when they are not select-
ed on a throttle connected to LocoNet. This makes locos that have been “for-
gotten” by their operators available to be selected by other operators to prevent
problems during an operating session.
: Pulse Width Modulation.
R: R
ight throttle,
ight reverse key,
ight side of DT400 display.
Refreshed (Data):
Digitrax command stations re-send data to decoders many
times to be sure that the signal is not lost and that you have reliable operation.
All in-use and common locos in the system will continue to be refreshed until
they become idle.
a group of turnouts and their specified positions that will be triggered
by the activation of a single “TOP” switch address to a specified position.
Scaleable Speed Stabilization(Back EMF):
a decoder that uses back EMF to
maintain constant speed but can also buffer the speed changes to allow for opti-
mal operation.
To assign a decoder address to a throttle in the system so that the
address can be controlled by that throttle.
a DCC decoder is selectable when it is not currently in-use on
another throttle.
Service Mode Programming
: service mode programming information sent by
the command station or programmer as a broadcast signal that goes out to all
decoders on the track.
Slot Following:
when more than one DT throttle has a single loco address
selected, both DT throttles will have control of that address and both throttle
displays will be updated with the same information. In other words, both opera-
tors will see what the other is doing.
Speed Stabilized(Back EMF) Decoder:
a decoder that will cause a locomo-
tive to maintain the speed you set no matter what grade the loco encounters.