plus or add, used to increase speed or other numbers in DT400 display. Also
used to add loco addresses to consists.
minus or remove, used to decrease speed or other numbers in the DT400
display. Also used to remove loco addresses from consists.
AC or Alternating Current:
An expression used to describe an electrical
wave form that cycles or alternates above and below 0 volts. In the U.S.,
household electricity is 60 cycle, alternating 60 times a second, 110-120 volts.
The rate at which the decoder increases from one speed step to
the next in response to a new increase speed command. Use CV03 to set this
value for each decoder. This feature is used to simulate train weight and to
make your model respond more prototypically when you increase the throttle.
Active throttle:
Digitrax DT throttles are actually two throttles in one. Each
handheld can control two different addresses or consists at a time one on the
right side or R Throttle and the other on the left side or L Throttle. The DT’s
display is shared by the two sides of the throttle. The side for which informa-
tion is currently in the display is called the
active throttle
Address, Decoder:
an identifying number programmed into a particular mobile
or stationary decoder. The DCC system uses the decoder address to send com-
mands to the appropriate loco or accessory decoder.
Address Range:
Analog address range is 00. 2 digit address range is 01-127, 4
digit address range is 0128-9983. Each DCC system also has a range of
addresses available for use by the operators. Super Empire Builder has an
address range of 00-9983 and can run up to 22 addresses at a time. Super
Empire Builder, Super Chief & Zephyr have an address range of 00-9983 and
can run up to 120 addresses at a time.
Advanced (EPF) Consisting Method:
consist information is stored in each
decoder. Locos can be added to and deleted from the consist in any orientation.
This method requires that all locomotives in the consist be equipped with
decoders that support this feature (EPF decoders). This method lets you set up
a consist that is “transportable” from one DCC layout to another. The problem
is that you must be sure to put the locos back on the track in the same order
and orientation you programmed them for or you can get some unexpected
Analog Loco:
A locomotive operating on a DCC layout without a DCC
decoder installed. Also called a Conventional Loco.
Analog Mode Conversion:
When a Digitrax decoder does not see DCC pack-
ets on the layout it changes automatically to DC operation. Not all DCC sys-