22.4.1 Resolving Radio Reception Problems
Most layouts don’t experience problems with radio reception but, if you are
having trouble, try the following suggestions for improving reception.
1. Electrical wiring, metal plumbing and A/C ducting and other items
may cause areas of poor reception around the layout. This is typical-
ly due to the multipath reflections or echoes of the radio waves.
Moving the DT400R about 6" to 12" in any direction or varying the
orientation of the DT400R will usually overcome any blind spots.
Another option is to re-locate the UR91. Sometimes a more central
location is better, other times moving the UR91 to a completely dif-
ferent area is the answer. Since every layout is different, this will be
a matter of trying different locations until you find the right one for
your particular situation.
2. Adjust the two antenna wires on the UR91from the recommended ver-
tical "V" orientation to a horizontal orientation. This orientation
gives better reception of horizontal polarization that may be experi-
enced in some buildings with metal floors and roofs. Changing the
UR91 antennas will
lead to improved range performance.
3. If adjustment of UR91’s location and antenna wires does not clear a
stubborn dead spot or range problem, consider adding a second
UR91 installed away from the first UR91 to achieve better reception
in the problem area. If you use more than one UR91 on the layout,
they will automatically work together on LocoNet.
4. Note that the DT400R & UR91 share the radio spectrum with other
types of radio services and might sometimes experience transient
interference. If interference persists then consider using the
DT400Rs in the tethered mode until the problem clears. You may
turn off the DT400R radio option by modifying the DT400R Op#2
Value. See Section 25.2 for information on changing this setting.
23.0 Tetherless Operation of DT400/R
All DT400s are “InfraReady.” This means that your DT400 comes with IR
LEDs that will send infrared signals to the layout. To use this InfraReady capa-
bility, you just need to install one or more infrared receivers on your layout.
DT400R is a radio equipped throttle. To use your DT400R as a radio throttle,
you will need to install a radio receiver on your layout.