Simply press the Y + Key
a third time to toggle back to system “GO” and
track power on.
7.2 Track Power Off
When track power is off:
DT400 Track Power Indicator is off ( the Track Power Indicator is
a small dot in the top line on the right side of the LCD)
DB150 TRACK STATUS indicator is off and
DB150 OFF LINE indicator is on.
To turn track power off:
Press the PWR Key
the LCD will display
“+ On - Off”. Press the N - Key to turn off track power. Press the PWR Key
again to exit Power On/Off Mode. You may also press any other key to go
directly to the next throttle task you wish to perform.
8.0 How To Select and Run Trains
Function or “Fn” mode is the default mode for the DT400 because it is the
mode that runs your trains. In Fn mode, the throttle knobs, reverse direction
keys and Y+/N- keys are used to control locos. The numeric keypad is used to
access functions for the currently active loco address and to operate switches
when switch mode is in use. This means that you can continue to control your
trains while turning on and off functions and operating turnouts.
If a throttle has a locomotive address selected, the associated loco icon and
direction indicator will be lit. In addition, if the smoke above the locomotive
icon is flashing , this indicates that this is the currently active throttle meaning
that the Function keys on the throttle and the Function Indicators in the display
are associated with that address.
To make the other throttle active, simply turn or click the other throttle knob.
The smoke will start blinking on the other throttle and the function information
will be displayed for that loco address.
8.1 The SEL Message
If a throttle knob does not have a locomotive selected when you make it active
by turning or pressing the L or R Throttle knob or Reverse Key, flashing
“SEL” will appear in place of the locomotive address in the LCD display. This
is a prompt for you to select a locomotive on that throttle.