The DT400 automatically defaults to the Loco mode (Lo) & returns to this
mode after about 6 seconds of inactivity in MU or Switch modes.
6.3.5 L(Left) & R(Right) Throttle Display
The decoder address selected on the L Throttle is displayed on the bot-
tom line of the LCD to the left of the Mode Indicator. The decoder
address selected on the R Throttle is displayed to the right of the
Mode Indicator. The address can show as either the 2-digit or the 4-
digit decoder address. If no address is selected the display will show
“SEL.” If a 2-digit address is selected (00-127), the display will
show two or three digits. If a 4-digit address is selected (0128 -
9983), the display will show all four digits including the leading
6.3.6 Text Area
The Text Area of the LCD consists of the eight characters in the middle
line of the display. This is where information like locomotive speed,
decoder status, turnout position, fast clock, text prompts, messages
and programming data are displayed.
6.3.7 L & R Bar Graph
Each throttle has a bar graph located above the text area of the LCD.
Each of these indicates the speed setting of the L & R Throttles
graphically from a single dot (0% throttle) to 20 dots (full throttle).
This is useful when the text area is showing information other than
2 digit address 25
Selected on the
L Throttle
Running at 0% speed
In reverse.
4 Digit address 5234
Selected on the
R Throttle
Running at 25% speed
In the forward direction
Functions 0, 1, & 3 on.
Track Power
Indicator ON
Throttle in normal operations
mode indicated by Fn.
In Function (Fn) Mode
Throttle knobs control Loco's
Speed & Direction.
Keypad entries control functions.