and change them to their default CV values and then try to run the loco. It is
possible to set acceleration so high that it will take 10 minutes for the loco to
start moving.
Does your throttle say “slot=max”? This means that the system’s capacity to
handle operating locos is full. The Super Empire Builder can run up to 22
addresses at the same time. If you have the “slot=max” message, be sure that
all locos that are not running are released from throttles.
Was the loco running just before it stopped? If the decoder is very warm it
may be in thermal shutdown. Let it cool off and see if it starts again. Also
check for localized track problems.
Are there burn marks on the decoder? You’ll need to send it in for repair!
If all else fails, reprogram the decoder address and reset CVs to default values.
27.8 Mechanical Drive Train Problems
Pay attention to the mechanical drive train and free movement of the locomo-
tive wheel sets. This is especially important with inexpensive locomotives.
Using Digitrax decoders with appropriate programming settings, you can
achieve surprisingly good quality motion, if you carefully adjust the mecha-
nisms for smooth running.
27.9 “Strange” Locomotive Lights
If you can’t control the operation of the lights in your locomotive with the
DT400 (in default 128, or 28 speed step mode), be sure that the decoder is
programmed in advanced 28 speed step mode.
Do this by programming CV29 with a hex value of “06”. Refer to Section 15.3
for complete programming instructions.
Your Digitrax decoder has been shipped programmed to 128 speed step mode.
You may have changed your decoder’s programming when performing the
decoder test procedure. In any case, if you are not able to turn the locomotives
lights on and off, you will need to change CV 29 to hex value “06” to have
proper light operation when using the DT400 in its optimum 128 speed step
27.10 Lights Work But No Motor Response
Check your decoder installation for a motor short circuit. Some decoders have
motor fault protection that causes this symptom when there is a short in the