6.3 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
Figure 7: DT400 LCD
6.3.1 Loco Icon
The L & R Loco Icons
are used to indicate whether an address is avail-
able for selection. A blinking loco icon means that the address is available for
selection and a steady loco icon means that the loco address is currently select-
ed or in use by another throttle.
6.3.2 Direction Indicators
The direction indicators are located in the LCD Display of the DT400 directly
below the Loco Icon. There are separate indicators for the L (left) and R (right)
throttles. If the arrow points to the front of the loco, the throttle is in the for-
ward direction. If the arrow points to the back of the loco, then the throttle is in
the reverse direction. If there is not a locomotive selected on a throttle the loco
icon will not appear.
= Forward Direction
= Reverse Direction
Note: These direction indicators are for DCC equipped locos only. They will
indicate direction based on the normal direction of travel that you set up for
your DCC equipped loco. If you are using an analog loco, the direction indica-
tor may or may not match the actual direction of the analog loco.
6.3.3 Smoke Icon
The Smoke Icon is located just above the Loco Icon. Both the L & R Throttles
have a smoke icon. If a loco is selected on either throttle, the Loco icon will
appear beside the address of that loco. If nothing is selected, there will be no
Loco icon and the address area will show SEL. The blinking smoke icon indi-
cates which throttle is currently active (having its function states displayed in
the top line of the LCD). Since both throttles must share the keypad, only one
R Throttle Direction
L Throtte Direction
Text Area
L Throttle
R Throttle
R Loco Icon
L Loco Icon
L Smoke Icon
R Smoke Icon
Functions 0-8
(Active Throttle)
Tetherless Indicator
Track Power
R Semaphore
L Semaphore
R Bar Gragh
L Bar Graph